I’m passionate about serving YOU with honesty, Integrity and no pressure sales.
My passion is to educate and simplify to take the edge off so you can make the highest of choices to benefit YOUR family.
I’ve worked with the same long term professionals for almost 10 years that will only serve your needs in all ways.
My background in computer technology allows me to be ‘tech savvy’ in today’s digital age.
I am a full time Real Estate Professional and that allows me to work with your schedule to be there when you need me.
I have served many families in the southern California are and they include Movie Stars, Executives, Doctors, Nurses, Laborers, developers and those who unfortunately had to give up their home as a short pay (which is a HUGE success for those!)
I’ve attained higher level Real Estate learning and knowledge with the GRI Designation.
I am ethical, honest and hardworking.
I promise to keep you updated on any and all events that may affect your bottom line or value of your home during the sales process.
My extensive network & our nearly 40 years of presence in the area can do nothing but serve you.